How To Leave a Voicemail Without Ringing

Jay T
4 min readNov 19, 2018


Leave a voicemail without ringing

You’re surely mindful that leaving a voicemail versus calling strengthens the probability that your message will be encountered.

This powerhouse of non-invasive technology has reshaped the marketing environment over more than a generation. Ringless Voicemail Drops, as the name indicates, send a voicemail to the recipient’s phone without ringing it.

What does sending a voicemail without ringing mean?

Delivering voicemail is often considered as ringless voicemail which simply determines the sending of voicemail messages directly to a recipient’s voicemail inbox without the phone ever ringing.

The main intention of ringless voicemail is to convey a message without disturbing the recipient with a phone call.

Businesses make use of ringless voicemail technology when they are likely to inform, share, or update information quickly without a real-time conversation.

How to leave an effective voicemail without calling them?

One of the most uncomplicated campaigns to operate since it requires a straightforward technique before the campaign can go live. Normally, they have to: a) record your voicemail, and b) upload your database without the DNC numbers.

Are you still puzzled about how to leave a voicemail without calling? Here’s the way it functions.

  1. Pre-record your message. Upload your voicemail recording, and create a campaign.
  2. Select recipients. Automatically extract mobile numbers from your list and submit them to the Lead package.
  3. Schedule your voicemails. The campaign is activated automatically at the time scheduled.
  4. Deliver to selected recipients. Drops voicemail directly to their voicemail box, with no phone ringing.

It’s noteworthy to keep in mind that leadsrain exclusively allows the recipient to even call back on the number that has delivered the voicemail in the first place, providing an option for inbound leads.

Advantages of leaving a voicemail without ringing

To be sincere, tons of people will suggest you chat live with a client. However, in implementation, it is not always achievable. Voice messages, such as leaving voicemails without calling, can be a far more effective method to make use of your time.

Reasonable marketing outreach. Using voicemails without calling offers an economical alternative to typical phone-based promotions. You can save a lot of money without giving up productivity by eliminating the need for live calls and lowering the associated expenses.

Easy & Straightforward process. This lead-generation tool is efficient and saves time. To start a voicemail drop campaign, you will need only about 15 minutes of your time. You simply have to record a message.

Non-intrusive technology. The methodology of leaving voicemails encourages non-intrusive interaction with customers. You respect recipients’ time and privacy by delivering messages straight to their voicemail boxes without disrupting them, resulting in greater satisfaction in conversations.

Enables thoughtful purchase decisions. The way the ringless voicemail works, lets the recipients contemplate over the message that has been delivered. On listening to the message, the recipients have the time to think about the product that has been offered, and do their research, rather than take immediate action that they would later regret. Hence, the voicemail drops allow for a well-thought-out purchase. In this sense, you are truly educating your leads and not insisting they make the purchase.

Understanding the Limitations of Ringless Voicemail

Despite the fact the straight-to-voicemail technology is considered an arcade game transform, it does have certain limits. However, these limitations end up defining the service even better.

  • Since the ringless voicemail service is a server-to-server engagement, it can only work on cell phone numbers and not landlines. So to run the service, you need to check for the landline numbers, and scrub them from the database.

Point of the matter: LeadsRain’s services come with a built-in cell phone scrubber that will make sure that all non-mobile numbers are excluded from your campaign. However, LeadsRain enables an abundance of alternatives to executing a campaign for those landline numbers, including voice broadcasting campaigns and cloud-based predictive dialers.

  • A voicemail drop is charged on a per-minute basis and the charges are applied when the phone is answered. This is why you need to keep your message short and precise.

LeadsRain’s recommended length of a voicemail drop is up to 40 seconds long. Exceeding this has been observed to bring lower ROI.

Keep in mind: Messages can only be sent between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. local time for TCPA associations.

  • The voicemail drops might even ring sometimes, but that is only when the voicemail box is not configured, or if it is not updated. This is the case with every ringless voicemail service provider. But here is how our outbound marketing service stands out, making it the best in the market.


Hence, when it comes to sending a ringless voicemail, keep all the above-mentioned points in mind so that your campaign is truly ringless-friendly. After all, 80% of calls end up in voicemail. Take the first step towards unlocking the superpower capabilities of ringless voicemail, Book a free trial today!



Jay T
Jay T

Written by Jay T

Jay is a backbone of Leadsrain, being a CEO and co-founder, he has always proved to be the robust domain person. Being an integral part of the company.

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